Potential Analysis
Our potential analysis examines the aptitude of an employee for a specific position considering leadership and social skills as well as technical skills. In dialogue with the employee and the relevant executive manager, we determine a future career and development plan.
The following subject areas are the basis of the potential analysis and survey of your employees:
- Perfomance skills: How high is the motivation?
- Leadership skills: How is leadership carried out?
- Determination: How persistent are objectives persued?
- Interaction: What role do internal and external networks play?
- Working style: How flexible are the reactions to changes in the environment?
When does it make sense to use the potential analysis?
- when assisting in filling vacancies
- for pre-selecting (Screening) of applicants
- for staff development, training, coaching
What is the process of a potential analysis?
- preliminary interview with the candidate to identify the initial situation
- online survey of the candidate
- personal conversation with the candidate about the results
- final interview with the candidate and the relevant executive manager